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Category Archives: notes
Reflections from the Canadian Evaluation Society 2014 Conference
I had the good fortune of being able to the attend the 35th annual conference of the Canadian Evaluation Society that was held at the Ottawa Convention Centre from June 16-18, 2014. I’d only been to one CES conference previously, … Continue reading
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Intro to Philosophy – Week 7 – Time Travel
this module focused on the paradoxes of time travel and some ways to defend the logical possibility of backwards time travel (mostly from a David Lewis paper) time travel involves: external time = “time as it is registered by the world … Continue reading
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Intro to Philosophy – Week 3 – Philosophy of the Mind
Cartesian dualism: the body is made of material stuff (i.e., stuff that has “extension” (i.e., takes up space)) and the mind is made of immaterial stuff (i.e., does not have extension) Princess Elizabeth of Bohemia was a student of Decartes … Continue reading
Intro to Philosophy – Week 2 – Epistemology
Epistemology studying and theorising about our knowledge of the world. we have lots of information, but how do we tell good information from bad information? “propositional knowledge” = knowledge that a certain proposition is the case “proposition” = what is … Continue reading
Posted in notes, online module notes, philosophy
Tagged coursera, epistemology, knowledge, notes, philosophy, what is knowledge?
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Report on “Delivering the Benefits of Digital Health Care”
A report on “Delivering the benefits of digital health care” from Nuffield Trust in the UK recently came across my desk. It covers a bigger scope of technology than the project I’m working on (which is a project about transforming … Continue reading
Posted in healthcare, information technology, notes
Tagged clinical informatics, digital healthcare, eHealth, electronic health records, evidence-informed decision making, health informatics, health information management, healthcare, healthcare IT, informatics, information technology, IT, learning healthcare system, notes, quality improvement
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Intro to Philosophy – Week 1 – What is Philosophy
As I’ve been doing so much reading on things like theory, complexity science, and research methodology, I’ve been reading more and more papers with words like epistemology and ontology, and it’s prompted me to do a bit of a refresher … Continue reading
CES Webinar: Words of Evaluation
Title: Words of Evaluation: A terminological dictionary to clarify communication in evaluation practice Speakers: Richard Marceau, Francine Sylvain, Ghislan Arbour, Frank Hogg Offered by: Canadian Evaluation Society project at the École nationale d’administration publique (ENAP) in Quebec City to create … Continue reading
More readings on evaluation and complexity
I’m falling down a rabbit hole of reading on this topic! Here are some notes on more papers I’ve read lately… and there will be more (as again, this posting got quite long, so I’m just posting it now and … Continue reading
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Complexity and Evaluation
Notes from some readings on complexity and evaluation. A Review of Three Recent Books on Complexity and Evaluation Gerrits and Verweij (2015) reviewed three books that explored complexity and evaluation: Forss et al’s Evaluating the Complex: Attribution, Contribution, and Beyond … Continue reading
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Complex Adaptive Systems
We often hear that “The health care field is complex, perhaps the most complex of any area of the economy (Morrison, 200, cited in Begun et al, 2003). And yet despite the number of times I’ve heard this, I often … Continue reading
Posted in evaluation, healthcare, notes
Tagged complex adaptive systems, complexity, complexity science, evaluation, notes, systems
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