Tag Archives: evidence-informed decision making

On Flexibility in Evaluation Design

Been doing some reading as I work on developing an evaluation plan for a complex program that will be implemented at many sites. Here are some notes from a few papers that I’ve read – I think if anything links … Continue reading

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Report on “Delivering the Benefits of Digital Health Care”

A report on “Delivering the benefits of digital health care” from Nuffield Trust in the UK recently came across my desk. It covers a bigger scope of technology than the project I’m working on (which is a project about transforming … Continue reading

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Informatics and Ethics

Notes from module 8 of the Interprofessional Health Informatics course I’m working on (plus side reading that I did to fill in some blanks/learn more about some things mentioned in the course). “knowledge is power” – Sir Francis Bacon, 1597 … Continue reading

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Informatics, Gaming, and Simulation

Notes from module 7 of the Interprofessional Health Informatics course I’m working on (plus side reading that I did to fill in some blanks/learn more about some things mentioned in the course). Gaming = “playing games developed to teach something or help solve … Continue reading

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Workflow Processes

Notes from module 4 of the Interprofessional Health Informatics course I’m working on (plus side reading that I did to fill in some blanks/learn more about some things mentioned in the course). [Note: I posted this on August 5, 2015, but then it … Continue reading

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Informatics and Public Health

Notes from module 6 of the Interprofessional Health Informatics course I’m working on (plus side reading that I did to fill in some blanks/learn more about some things mentioned in the course). [Note: I posted this on August 5, 2015, but then it … Continue reading

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Clinical Informatics Outside the Walls of Healthcare Settings: Telehealth and Consumer Health Informatics

Notes from module 5 of the Interprofessional Health Informatics course I’m working on (plus side reading that I did to fill in some blanks/learn more about some things mentioned in the course). [Note: I posted this on August 5, 2015, but then … Continue reading

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Electronic Health Records (EHR)

Notes from module 4 of the Interprofessional Health Informatics course I’m working on (plus side side reading that I did to fill in some blanks/learn more about some things mentioned in the course) electronic health record (EHR) = “an electroic record of health-related … Continue reading

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Notes from module 3 of the Interprofessional Health Informatics course I’m working on (plus side side reading that I did to fill in some blanks/learn more about some things mentioned in the course) Data: observations (numbers, terms) Information: data with … Continue reading

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What is Health Informatics?

Notes from modules 1 and 2 of the Interprofessional Health Informatics course I’m working on (plus side side reading that I did to fill in some blanks/learn more about some things mentioned in the course) Learning Healthcare System: “a system that … Continue reading

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