Some colleagues and I are presenting a poster at the Centre for Health Services & Policy Research conference on March 7-8, 2019. Rather than cluttering up our poster with a reference list, we are putting our references online here and our poster will have a QR code linked to this page. So if you’ve come looking for the references from our poster, you’ve come to the right place!
- American Society for Quality. (2017). What is audit? Retrieved from American Society for Quality:
- Baily, M. A., Bottrell, M., Lynn, J., & Jennings, B. (2006). The Ethics of Using QI Methods to Improve Health Care Quality and Safety. RAND Corporation. Retrieved from
- Benjamin, A. (2008). Audit: how to do it in practice. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 336(7655), 1241.
- Canadian Evaluation Society. (2015, October). What is Evaluation. Retrieved March 3, 2017, from Canadian Evaluation Society:
- Cook, P. F., & Lowe, N. K. (2012). Differentiating the Scientific Endeavors of Research, Program Evaluation, and Quality Improvement Studies. Journal of obstetric, gynecologic, and neonatal nursing, 41(1), 1-3.
- Council for International Development. (2014, June). Monitoring Versus Evaluation. Retrieved March 3, 2017, from Council for International Development:
- Hedges, C. (2009). Pulling It All Together: QI, EBP, and Research. Nursing management. Nursing management, 40(4), 10-12.
- Hill, S. L., & Small, N. (2006). Differentiating Between Research, Audit and Quality Improvement: Governance Implications. Clinical Governance: An International Journal, 11(2), 98-10
- Naidoo, N. (2011). What is Research? A Conceptual Understanding. African Journal of Emergency Medicine, 1(1), 47-48.
- Newhouse, R. P., Pettit, J. C., Poe, S., & Rocco, L. (2006). The Slippery Slope: Differentiating between Quality Improvement and Research. Journal of Nursing Administration, 36(4), 211-219.
- Shirey, M. R., Hauck, S. L., Embree, J. L., Kinner, T. J., Schaar, G. L., Phillips, L. A., . . . McCool, I. A. (2011). Showcasing Differences Between Quality Improvement, Evidence-Based Practice, and Research. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 42(2), 57-68
- U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (2009, 01 15). Basic HHS Policy for Protection of Human Research Subjects. Retrieved March 3, 2017, from Office for Human Research Protections – U.S. Department of Health & Human Services:
- United States Government Accountability Office. (2011, May). Performance Measurement and Evaluation: Definitions and Relationships. Retrieved March 3, 2017, from Program Performance Assessment: